We at GRGI have a simple belief that when the finest minds in the field are working with you, education does not anymore intimidate you with its complexity; Alas! it becomes a tool to be mastered. The famous words by Abe Reichental "We're not building a future for a few years; we're building it for a lifetime" perfectly describe our aim that we have for our students for Global Research Group of Institutions.
We don't prepare our students only to become job seekers but job providers. As it was once said if you do not build your own future someone else will hire you to build theirs... We here at GRGI put major effort and believe in mutual improvement and development of our students and our staff as well as we know 'When one teaches, two learn' that also not only an academic front but a complete 360-degree shaping of a person.
I invite you to take a visit at GRGI and get the quality education that you deserve.
It is indeed my profound privilege to be the chairman of one of the growing Technical Institutions.
The offering of AICTE approved Diploma level Programme, UG level B.Tech Programme & PG level M.Tech
Programme in the present scenario are more tedious even compared to Production/Marketing a finished
good especially in the era of Globalization of Industries.
In continuation to previous programs, we also offer B. Pharmacy & D Pharmacy courses at GRIP. GRIP is
approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi & affiliated to Pt. B.D. Sharma University of
Health and Science, Rohtak. As an industrialist, businessman & facilitator of running educational
institutions; my endeavor as Chairman is most challenging. The entire system of education which has
gone into the hands of illiterate persons is required to be revamped & the commercialization of the
education has to be converted into a service motive.
I welcome you to GRGI and let us help you to achieve the goals and success that is rightfully yours.